A few days after the call, my partner came home from being in the field and I ended up crying to him, feeling like a wimp. He held me, listened to me feel sorry for myself, listened to my fears, how I don't want to keep fighting when I'm only going in circles, how even though I have my tubes tied, I'm afraid of losing the ability to carry children ripped away from me (because however against it I am now, someday, I *may* want to try for one more with the man I love) and when I was through, he pried my face up with his hands and told me that no matter what I felt like doing, it's important that I continue to FIGHT... for as little or long as it will take because my children need a mother and he is counting on growing old with me.

Sometimes I can get caught up in the moment. Sometimes I feel like giving up on the struggle and quitting. It makes all the difference in the world to have people in my life who love me and encourage me to keep in the fight.
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