Thursday, March 28, 2013


Marlene Minopetros (@lee_mino) tweeted at 11:04 PM on Wed, Mar 27, 2013: There is something sexy about being a little possessive and letting the world know she is yours ( Get the official Twitter app at

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life of TheStigMom Part One:BabyStig

Just a little history for those who like reading about other people’s stories.

The history of my mom and dad is the typical American love story.. Ya know… Divorced mother of one (my mom) meets “SD” at a bar, they have sex, “SD” ends up having a family of his own and when my mom tells “SD” she is pregnant, “SD” told my mom to get lost or SHE would ruin his family.  Sigh Real winner, that one.

So with my Sperm Donor out of the picture, my mother set out to have me on her own. Now, my mom had been living with one of the worst cases of MS that the specialists in Washington State had ever documented. She was advised to abort me, Her mother pleaded with her, worried for her safety. My mother was told she wouldn’t survive the pregnancy, if she did survive, I wouldn’t, and if I did… there was only a slim chance I would be born healthy.

My mom chose life, I was born healthy, but she lost the use of her legs and the doctors told her she would never walk again. My single, disabled mother of two, didn’t believe them and with determination… she was eventually able to get out of her wheelchair. She did the very best she could. She was a very determined woman, but her struggles were just beginning. I don’t know what caused my mother to lose her mind, the disease, genetics, the medications, I really don’t expect answers.  The fact remains she did. 

Before I left the hospital, a few days old, my mother thought it’d be okay to feed me mashed potatoes. Even with family taking turns coming to help her care for us, she’d forget feedings, forget she even had children for hours at a time. I was hospitalized with a Failure to thrive (FTT). I don’t really remember anything, being that young, but do know that’s when my 8 year old sister, H, started caring for me. She was my little mommy.  I loved her more than I loved anything else.

My mother wasn’t a monster. I know that a woman has needs, and even with her illness (turned mental illness), my single mother needed to feel loved, she needed the attention of men. She’d bring men home and sometimes those men would find her two little daughters attractive too. Get where I’m going with this? This I remember clearly. My older sister always did her best to protect me from the harm these savage men would do. She’d sneak me into her room in a pile of blankets, she’d lock her doors… she was braver than any child should have to be. My sister was my protector, my hero. Some days our mother would lose her patience, her anger usually spewed unto my sister. I remember our mom telling H things like I was her favorite, how she was ugly... I remember my sister taking the blame for little insignificant things that I did (not even two years old I was probably a mess maker) and getting whipped with the cord of the vacuum, and I remember being left alone, a lot. My sister would hurry back from school each day to take care of me. Until one day she came home and I wasn’t there.

That day a woman came to the door. I was used to random people coming in and talking to my mother, we lived blocks away from a Jehovah’s witness church and really, my mother rarely turned anyone away who came to talk about Jesus. That day, however, the woman didn’t come to talk about God, She came to remove me from the home. My mother called me from the kitchen into the livingroom. I remember the look on her face. The lady offered me a stuffed animal but I was hesitant to go near her. My mother must have been lucid that day, She was calm, but her eyes were sad as she forced a smile and said it was alright to go. She hugged me tight and told me she loved me. The sky was clear, the air was warm and the calm and gentle movements of my caseworker’s car lulled me to sleep. It was a short car ride and the crunch of the gravel stirred me awake in time to watch the car pull in to the driveway of my new life.

My Friends… I love you.

I posted this on my Facebook today, but since I can't seem to link my Facebook and Twitter on this ******* site, I'll just transfer it here.

 My life is tough right now, I'm definitely dealing with a lot of stressors, but when I count my blessings I see that I'm quite a lucky girl. 

I have some amazing people in my life who build me up when I break down, who distract me when I need distraction, never judge me and who help pick me up and motivate me to go do what needs to be done. 

You are worth your weight in diamonds to me. I grew up with the ability to walk away from anyone I ever knew. I have two emotional settings, happy and numb... Over this last little bit of time, you guys have been able to make me feel more. For the first time in my life, I don't feel completely alone. I feel like I have a home. I feel like I belong, and for that, Thank you.

When I tell my life story, most think it sounds rough, but my life is actually a fairytale, granted, not a traditional one, but I have no doubts that my story will have a happy ending. My God has always provided for me, and when my faith is shaken, I have a few amazing friends hat constantly remind me of my blessings. I have much love for you.♥

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day (two weeks late)

Here is a photo of my lovely daughter, G. 

Momma's Fresh Fish Snack

Okay, as promised, this is my original recipe for a yummy and (mostly) healthy fish appetizer or snack.

What you'll need:
  • About 5 lbs of Salmon
  • 1cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1box of Triscuts 
  • about 3 cups mango salsa
  • 8oz Philadelphia cream cheese 
  • About half a block of thinly sliced Tillamock Pepper Jack cheese

I'm originally from (Waythefrickupthere) Northwest Washington, where fresh salmon is easy to find, but if you happen to live in a place where fresh salmon is difficult to find, I highly recommend just buying one from Costco. I usually find a $17-$20 fish will feed my family and have additional left over.

After you've cleaned your salmon and have laid it in a lightly oiled glass casserole dish, lightly salt the top side, sprinkle brown sugar and pour about a cup and a half of orange juice over it. Cover with tin foil and bake for about 45 minutes on 400 or until a light shade of pink, baste often to achieve maximum flavor and moisture.  Set to the side and let it cool.

Yea.. It IS as good as it looks (if you think it looks delicious).

 While the salmon is cooling, prep the rest of the snack by spreading the cream cheese on the cracker and placing them on a baking sheet, and slicing up your cheese. I recommend sipping on a frosty alcoholic beverage (unless you are underage, live in a dry county, are recovering or just prefer not to).

My "frosty beverage" of choice
Next, layer on the flaky, tender fish

Ladle on the mango salsa, top with cheese and stick back in the oven for about 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
