(Justin's mother's Chicken Adobo Recipe)
Last month's holidays were in full swing. My partner Justin is a United States Marine and was in the field for a week. I had just come home from my girlfriend's home when I got a message from Justin's father that he was in town and was hoping he could come deliver Christmas presents for his grandchildren. I was admittedly a little nervous as it would be the first time meeting Justin's father in person and my sweetheart was still gone. EEEK! About an hour after I finalized arrangements with J's father, J messaged me and said he was on his way home. The race was on. Who was going to arrive at our place first? I happily welcomed J home about an hour before his father and step-mother arrived! *J refers to his step-mom as "mom" so from here on out that's how I'll refer to her*.
What a relief that J's Dad and Mom are incredibly warm people. During our visit Justin shared a funny incident where he attempted to make Chicken Adobo, but ended up with a vinegar soaked concoction that no one wanted to eat. He then asked his mom for her Chicken Adobo recipe and instead of just giving it to him, she insisted on teaching me, BONUS!
I've since made this a few times for J and thought I'd share it with you. It's incredibly easy to make, but a little high on the sodium because of all the soy sauce that is used. This measures out to about 10 servings so it's great for large families like ours.
*6-8 large chicken thighs
*About an inch of ginger root, thinly sliced
*3/4 glove of garlic, minced
*1 lb carrots, chopped into thick pieces
*2 onions, chopped into thick pieces
*6 small potatoes, chopped into thick pieces (I usually chop one potato into 6 pieces)
*3 handfuls of fresh green beans (honestly, I love green beans so I usually use about 5 handfuls)
*soy sauce
*pepper (I use a pepper mill for optimum taste)
*1 tbs sugar
Justin was in the kitchen helping me today and decided to freeze our carrots to make them a little crispier, but soon forgot about them... so we had to thaw them before adding them to our stew. J, It's said a WOMAN'S place is in the kitchen for a reason, mainly so veggies don't get turned into science experiments! |
It's easiest to have your ingredients prep'ed. |
1.Use a large pot, put on the stove over low heat, add a small amount of oil and minced garlic.Stir.
2.Once the garlic has turned to a golden brown color, add the sliced ginger. Cook until the ginger is the same color as the garlic, stirring occasionally.
3. Stir in chicken thighs. Once the thighs are covered in the garlic and ginger add about a cup of soy sauce, 4 shakes of a salt shaker and about a tbs of pepper (about 12 turns on MY pepper mill). Stir the chicken to an even mixture.
4. Turn up the heat to medium and cook uncovered.
5. When the meant is almost completely cooked, add onions, stir, add about a half cup of soy sauce and simmer for about 5-10 minutes.
6. Sprinkle sugar then stir in carrots and potatoes, cover your pot and let it cook for another 5-10 minutes (or until potatoes are halfway cooked), stirring occasionally.
7. Taste test your broth. Add more seasoning and soy sauce to suit your taste. Add green beans, cover and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes (or until potatoes and beans are cooked to your preferred consistency).
*The Chicken Adobo is ready. You can eat this meal as is, but J and I prefer to serve it over a bed of rice*
Good Gracious, I am dating a sexy man!
(Okay J, you can stay in the kitchen)
YUM! |