Friday, December 27, 2013

Exes and Ohs

This is a conversation my ex and I had a while ago. I'm sharing it today as I believe it's a good example how two people can still be friendly and lift each other up, even after they're no longer together.  It starts with his text:

My reply?


I got your message today. I wanted to tell you... as the father of my children and my friend, I love you too. You have to know that you have driven me insane over the last eleven years together, but I am certain you feel the same about me! Those little quirks... the fights... the love... the most amazing kids in the world, have all combined to shape us into the people we are today, and you know what? I wouldn't change a thing.

You are a good guy and I wish you nothing but success in all you seek to accomplish, happiness and the ability to separate yourself from work to appreciate the finer things in life, and MOST importantly, I wish you Love. True, Your next girl won't be as awesome as I am ;) but I know, when you find one you want to be serious with, she'll (he?) be worth it.

Man... Divorce is tough. There aren't many rules and I feel like the California Legal system was designed by a blue falcon (if you know what I mean). None the less, we're creating a good path. There have been some bumps in the road and I anticipate more bumps in the future, however, we're connected by the amazing bond we created through our children... for the rest of our lives (or until one of us dies.. you're older, just sayin')

To some things up *** Elgie, I'll use the words of a wise man. "I have been, and always shall be, your friend." (Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

All good things come with love.  

1 Corinthians 13:4-7  Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NIV) 

Let's dive into this, shall we... Love is patient/it is not easily angered, I am not. I expect everything to be done in a timely manner and done right. However, Love is teaching me to be more patient.

Love is KIND/Love isn't rude. I know I have said things that have been unkind, even rude to others, even our mates. After having a heart to heart with J, I found out that I had unintentionally been rude to him by being overly honest in my opinion of his religion. Here all along I have been striving to be open minded and seeking equality for all beliefs and ways of life, and yet I was rude to the closest person to me. I know I've certainly said rude things to my ex, especially in his choice of sexual partners and parenting skills. Well, I now realize that his partners aren't my concern, in fact, only SOME of his choices regarding our children are of my concern. The hardest test will be coming next summer when he has the kids. I have to trust his parenting and not criticize his techniques or be so hard on him when he isn't a perfect parent. He hasn't been the primary parent in their lives so how can I expect him to know everything that took me until now to learn? I can't!

Love doesn't envy. Well now... My little green eyed monster used to raise it's head when my ex would get a night out and I'd be stuck with the kids all day.. Then my jealousy grew to him having a life and friends outside the house, his work was his escape. I wanted to work outside the home, but we could never afford daycare. I wanted a life and friends too. I had given up my life, my home, my family and friends when my ex joined the Marines four years into our marriage. That was his choice, and now I had to give up everything where I was alone... and HE got a break? I found it very difficult NOT to be jealous. Now, in my current relationship, I am only jealous that my partner's strengths are my weaknesses. He is "wicked smart" in areas I struggle to understand. He retains information, and sometimes... JUST sometimes, he takes better photos than I do. I am learning to let go of jealousy and be genuinely happy for my mate. Thankfully, I only have had jealousy issues with my mate, and very rarely towards anyone else. My parents raised me to be appreciative for what I have as well as the knowledge that What I have is a direct result of what I earned. I can't be upset that someone earned something that I want but haven't yet earned for myself. 

Love doesn't boast, it isn't proud, it is not self-seeking... Wow. Do you know what this means? It means when you're genuinely loving someone, you will not be thinking about yourself. You think about what's best for them. You do things for them to show them your love and you don't do it for recognition or praise.

I hope you choose to truly love the important people in your life. Tonight, I'm wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas! I am starting the New Year out with some exciting news and projects, so stick around if you want to follow me on a fabulous adventure!

One Love,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Blooming Fashionista

I am a Tom boy.
I was raised in the woods, grew up on a mountain bike and know how to track cougars, deer and bears. My entire life, I'd rather be hiking than doing anything else. I'd rather wrestle and box than shop or meet friends for coffee. I prefer jeans and Chuck Taylors
I'm in my native fashion element

over dresses and heels and I sure as heck didn't wear makeup. I haven't been much of a girl, so recently, I challenged myself to experiment with fashion, makeup, hair and cooking. Man... This stuff is so much harder than it looks.

 After numerous hours on Pinterest, finding looks I could put together with what I already had in my closet, then watching countless hair and makeup tutorials on Youtube I felt ready to experiment, One outfit a day {If you follow me on Instagram, you will have already seen a few of these}.

I had so much fun discovering new looks that I'm going to keep it up. Now if only my attempts at cooking went over as well!
I have curves and I've been afraid to use them
I feel utterly ridiculous in front of a camera
I love the bold fall colors
present in the skirt.
I love this little
mermaid inspired number.
My bold statement shirt,
paired with skinny jeans and heels. 

I have developed a friendship with stripes.
Very casual, perfect for a trip to our
community center and then to the park.
I had an oversized sweater to wrap up in.
Attempting to class up my normal look
by wearing a cuffed skinny jean
and layering my tops. 
I found this awesome guitar shirt at a thrift store and it inspired my "braidhawk".
 I had a lot of fun rocking this outfit.
My Halloween costume is figure flattering.
Can you guess what I am?

Today's inspiration stems from the French matelot.
Striped shirt tucked into my suit pants.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Beautiful But Sad Things.

I usually only read books that are scientifically/mathematically based with the exception of poetry. The last two years, however, my heart has been in search of new foundations and I've been inclined to step out of my comfort zone to try new things.

I picked up this book and read in one day. Of all the words, of all the passages, I found a piece of myself in this sentence; "I’ve always had a terrible weakness for beautiful but sad things." (Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Inferno)

How true to me. I try to help homeless when I can, my career path is to help children in bad situations and all my life I've always tried to heal the broken and help the lost find purpose. Doing those things for others is actually quite selfish of me. You see, those little acts that help bring light to others, helps keep my own demons at bay.

Everyday I wage an all out war on loneliness. Most days I win the battle, still I wonder, not IF, but WHEN my war will end.

My God is faithful. My God doesn't just love, he IS love. I know I am never alone.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kilt lifter~X post

I gave a spectacular show at the station today.

Before picking up my son from school I changed into a twirly, PTA friendly skirt. I picked up Chris and headed out to fill up my parched gas tank. We coasted into the gas station on a prayer and I gleefully swayed into pay for the fuel in which I was about to receive. I triumphantly walked back to my van, the warm breeze against me, making my hair do that perfect commercial thing... Girls know.. the diva fan. Anyway. It was a spectacular sight. Five dollars worth of fuel later (not much time at all) I realized I was feeling that fresh warm breeze somewhere else. Horrified, I felt behind me to find my twirly skirt was attempting to morph into a kite (no attached strings though Justin). I think the only thing that saved me from dying of embarrassment was the fact that I finally invested in nice undies, which I chose to wear today.

So, middle aged man who decided to keep staring and perversely smiling back and forth between me and your phone, glad I made your day better, hope I don't see a picture of that on the internet.

I'm changing into jeans.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Inspiration for my kiddos

Be strong, independent people. Know yourself and love yourself before you take a partner. Never be afraid to speak your mind, but always try to do so with dignity and eloquence. Know that no matter where you roam, or however long you've been gone, you will find an open door and a warm meal with your mama. I have always loved you and I always will. 


Thursday, October 3, 2013

American Horror Story

Why is the US Flag displayed Upside Down?

The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. To the contrary, here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress:

Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10 
As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress
Approved July 7, 1976

§ 176. Respect for flag: No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

Most individuals who have served in the military service of our nation will (or should) recognize this signal.

As a result of the many traitors and enemies we as a free people have, both foreign and domestic, as a result of the many unconstitutional acts, legislation and atrocities passed and/or committed against US citizens and their life, liberty and property, and as a result of policies that have allowed (and continue to allow) enemies of this nation to enter in large numbers through a porous border policy, I believe the life, liberty and property of US Citizens are in dire danger and distress.

I love my country. I am honored to support those who sacrifice everything to defend our freedoms. It is my hope that the most recent turn of events will wake up the my countrymen, who seem to care more about their television programs then the government who who have been trying to rob us of our freedoms. For those who are praying, "God help us", That's great and all.. but God was kicked out of our government, so how about doing your job as a citizen, and help yourself. Get informed of your rights, vote, BE the difference needed to prevent this shit-show from happening in the future.

It's not a new concept, I propose we pass a bill that our commander in chief, our "servant of the people", and members of our house and senate have their pay held, should this situation arise in the future. I'm not a politician, but I sure as hell believe that I love America more than the majority of the worthless piles of poo we call our leaders.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Last night, my sweet, loving partner J turned into a zombie

Granted, he didn't resemble the lifeless mass of human flesh, void of emotion that one sees in their nightmares (No, I’m not talking about my ex husband), but it was dang close.

A little background: I wasn't raised watching horror movies, in fact, I was completely sheltered child. I am, however, naturally brave, surviving the pranks one endures being raised as the youngest child in a household that at any given time sheltered up to 16 children. The ONE paranormal thing that utterly horrifies me is ZOMBIES. Now, I was married to one of the biggest Walking Dead fans, and begrudgingly, started watching it myself. I grew to love that damn show and soon built up a tolerance to the graphic zombie content under specific conditions. The lights had to be on and I had to watch it during the day so I had time to purge my mind of the horror. Simple rules.

Before my partner and I started dating, we’d hang out as friends. THE VERY FIRST TIME we hung out, was late at night, downtown area of a little surf town in SoCal. The night was coming to a close and in the middle of our conversation about bands we liked; I caught the glimpse of a silhouetted, “dread-head’ figure, about 15 feet from us, limping closer and closer. The blood drained from my face and I froze in a panic. I was able to gather my wits and explained to my very confused friend, that I was deathly afraid of zombies. Fast Forward, we start dating and I have among my top rules are; don’t cheat on me, don’t act like a zombie, and no zombie movies before bed. Fast forward again; I’ll give you one guess as to what J thought would be a great idea to do last night.
I walked into our room to see my sweet partner looking through our movie selection. I wasn't really in the mood to watch a movie; I wanted… a completely different activity. But I figured I wouldn't say anything since I had already gotten what I wanted just an hour prior. So I settled under my comforter, ready for J to hop into bed and snuggle up. It wasn't so bad realizing that the movie he selected was World War Z, I wasn't scared when we had watched it before, but then J thought it would be super funny to start mimicking the biting zombie actions. *Real Funny J*

I don’t know what possessed him to get up, but his movements and my heightened state of panic set in resulting in him receiving several swift kicks to his stomach. He quickly excused himself to the bathroom... Leaving me alone… in bed, with a scary ****ing zombie on the screen and I couldn't get up to turn it off because I just KNEW that now there was probably a zombie in my room and, logically, I was safer in bed.
WTF did you Eat J!
I don’t know if you've ever been in a heightened alert state, but when I am, I become aware of every noise, and slight movements that surround me. Due to that fact, I was all too aware of the horrors happening to J in the next room. Oh, the sound of his agonizing moans. Ooooh… the sound of his vital organs dropping out of his body, like machine gun rounds dropping in a war zone. There was nothing I could do, after all, I had to stay alive for my helpless children peacefully sleeping down the hall.

The entire Zombie transformation took a total of about 15 minutes. Then my zombified partner reentered our bedroom, walking a little funny and trailing the smell of death behind him. Being a thoughtful (still living) girlfriend, I thought I'd test to see if a part of my sweet boyfriend was still alive. I pointed out his obvious oversight (oversmell?). He responded by attempting to place the blame on my sweet little girls by saying that aerosol room deodorant was gone and nothing could be done. That was all the proof I needed. My J would have turned on the fan and closed the door to trap the foul, death stench.  That's when I realized that I dealing with a clever new breed of zombie that kills its prey, not by biting, but by suffocation. 

The good news is that the zombie effects have since worn off and from what I can tell, J is back to his wonderful self. Even Better news, I finally know what to get him for Christmas this year! 


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Let's talk God.

John Fugelsang delightfully articulates our shared view on God. What an entertaining, friendly conversation between two individuals with differing opinions. 

I enjoy conversing, exchanging personal beliefs and ideas in open forums, so please, if you're easily offended by what I post on my page, realize that YOU alone are responsible for your reactions. Please realize that will never push my personal views on anyone. My only intent is to share my views and experiences. Please feel free to turn this into a friendly conversation, whether you agree or disagree.

I believe in and seek God, NOT specific religions. I do believe in the holy trinity and I do find comfort in certain books of the bible, the same as I do reading the Torah, Quran, Avesta, The Vedas, and Pali Canon collection.

The bible, over time, has been mistranslated and changes dictated by those in power. Reading the bible in it's original text is quite an eye opener, and while I recommend it, I also recommend reading with the consideration that it was written by MEN, it has biases and illustrates views and laws of the times the books were written.

I believe in Jesus, but most people have the Sunday school version of a dude who died for sins and we celebrate birth and death, and that is just the surface of the guy I have come to know. In my youth, I read everything I could about the son of God. Whether you believe Jesus is the son of God or just a fictional character who is supposed to set a good example, the fact remains, the "character" of Jesus is that of a man did more than simply tolerate the outcast of his society. He shared meals, he washed their feet, he served them, he healed them, he never judged them, You know what he DID? LOVED them.

Do you want to know what made Jesus mad?

Those who hurt children. “If you harm one of these little ones, better for you that a millstone be draped around your neck and you be dropped into the depths of the sea” (Luke 17:2).

Self-righteous judgmentalism. As He drove out the money-changers from the spaces normally dedicated to prayer for Gentiles as well as Jews, overturning their tables, He cried out the words of Isaiah: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Oh... I'm sorry... Did you get that... ALL NATIONS.

Essentially, the example Jesus sets for us to follow is, be a light to the world, love your brother, take care of children, and don't be an asshole. Religious sects of all kinds could learn a thing or two.

*steps off pulpit* Happy Tuesday Y'all!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Man, I wish I could say, "The dog ate it."

A couple weeks ago I made a post, then, in true, "oh shit... Did I just put that on the internet" form, I deleted it. I wanted to repost sooner, but my schedule hasn't permitted the time. While my post may have been completely true, I find ranting a wee bit distasteful. I probably should have just edited it. I live, I learn, I'm sorry for committing an apparent blogger sin, it won't happen again.

Anyway, to summarize in a more professional manner, J and I have had some relationship hiccups lately in the romance department. I am hoping he steps up his game, but in the mean time, I have decided to step back and view things from an alternative perspective. I have since seen the little... Yes, less romantic, but none-the-less sweet ways J displays his love.

No relationship is perfect, I am not one to expect perfection either. We are human. We err. Sometimes in our quest for what we think we want, we find what we need. I am grateful for J. For the time being, he is what I need. Can I see this lasting long term? You betcha. As long as he continues accepting my numerous flaws, I'll keep accepting his.

Anyway, "Anonymous", I read your feedback. I appreciate your honesty. I hope one day you choose to be less sarcastic and rude in your approach, but even if you don't... Meh... It is what it is (As stated frequently by a friend of mine, sounds like you may know him).

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rehab the Nympho!

Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. . . . It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.
~Erica Jong

Man, Last week was challenging for me SoCal is in the middle of a heatwave and I DO NOT handle heat well, plus, I am under a tremendous amount of financial strain, which, like most, affects me adversely. Poor J, He had to deal with not only the heat, but ME as well.

Different relationships have different expectations which bring out different behaviors. J makes me feel safe enough to be completely open and safe to admit my failures. This environment is conducive to my personal growth. I am becoming increasingly self aware which is making it easier to progress through difficult situations. I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that my partner wants the best for me, that support is priceless.

J gently admitted that my sexual appetite is a little much for him right now, and just like supply and demand, when you have too much of something, the value decreases. Honestly, hearing that felt like a sucker punch. All I heard was, "Heather, I don't like sex with you as much as I used to, you crazy nympho." which of course, is not what he was saying at all. I have to remember that I am in my sexual prime, so I am going to want sex way more than the average guy. In addition, I went from barely getting any sex to getting it on the daily, and, like a fat kid tasting cake for the first time, I because gluttonous for a good thing.

J wants to use some of the time that we'd normally spend shagging, to talk more... you know, that little thing called communication that I recently [read: within the last twelve months] discovered I'm not that great at. Soooo... I guess we're going to be doing that.

All sarcasm aside, I would happily give up half of the sex J and I have to invest in a deeper understanding of one another. I love how this man challenges my mindset, coaches me on how to be a more assertive woman and not settle for an obedient, mundane life. I enjoy the results of the progress I've already made. As confusing as change can be sometimes, I am excited to continue to uncover the woman that's been stifled inside all these years, and bloom with a man who understands how to inspire the best from me.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer Updates!

Last month I decided to surprise my partner by dying my naturally golden locks to a dark shade of red and brown, however I was the one surprised when he looked at me with pity and exclaimed that he didn't like it... it reminded him of his ex wife! SHIT! I didn't break up with him over the comparison to his ex, though I momentarily considered it. Don't get me wrong, she's pretty and all, but who likes being compared to another woman, let alone an ex? I have been so busy that I haven't gotten around to removing the color, until right now. My son is at school and my oldest daughter and I are taking a "recess" from her home school studies long enough for her to watch PBS' "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" and me to make my natural, "dear lord please let this work" hair dye removal mixture. While my mixture is setting, I thought I may ignore my breakfast dishes to update this little outlet of mine.

My partner and I had his kids for a couple weeks this summer. What a blast! I learned soooooo much about Minecraft and yet there is so much more to learn. You know the scene in "Being John Malkovich" where John Malkovich goes inside his own brain and all anyone says is "Malkovich... Malkovich malkovich malkovich"? 

Well... Replace "Malkovich" with "Minecraft" and you have the nearly complete diary of my summer. 

J took his kids and I to Vegas where I met his mother, sister and her family. Unfortunately, the heat of the day proved to be too much for my dehydrated body and wasn't able to enjoy my time there as much as I would have liked. His family was very welcoming and I am looking forward to deepening our relationships. :) 

J and I overlooking the strip outside of New York-New York Hotel and Casino.
J and I got some time on the strip. We found our way to the empty top floor of The Rainforest Cafe where we canoodled under the faux forest canopy. We'd randomly stop and slow dance while walking the strip, we drank coffee at Jean Philippe Patisserie while listening to a pianist and people watching. Then, when my feet were sore from walking in heels the entire time, my man picked me up and carried me back to the car. Forget chivalry, J is just down right romantic. 

While in Vegas, my co-worker called to notify me that the restaurant we worked for suddenly closed, but everything happens for a reason and I was able to take the time I needed for other things. I had a procedure done to remove the cancer cells in my cervix, got registered for my fall classes and spent time running essential errands, bonded with J's kids and got ready for my children to return home.

This summer had many family adventures including the San Diego Fair, Seaworld, days spent playing in the pool, hikes and science discovery centers (see pics at the bottom)... but the one adventure I was ecstatic about, was my trip to the East Coast to pick up my kiddos from their Dad's house. I took the bus to catch the train to the airport.  I'm not used to public transportation, and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and listening to whatever stories they chose to divulge. I may have to take buses more often.

My kiddos were very excited to see me and I was able to give them lots of snuggles before crashing out on my ex's couch. My ex had to work so I packed up the kiddos' belongings and got them loaded up. Their dad fixed us dinner and I did a small photoshoot of him and the kids before taking off home. Three days in the car with three kids and I didn't even get a dern t-shirt! BUT what I did get is the solidification that my kids are AMAZING!   

My son, the "Co-Pilot" had the same sense of urgency to return to our West Coast home as I did. The reason? The kids and I were due to arrive home on a Friday night and our town's schools systems returned to school the following Monday. StigKidC just couldn't wait to get back home to play with "[his] brothers". StigKidG and StigKidA both took to J's daughter as their "sister" as well. It's almost a dream how well they all get along. 

My girls... The "Floaty Sisters"

J's kiddos are back with their mom and our little condo is feeling a little bit bigger (quite like the electric bill). J, StigKidC and I are very much looking forward to catching J's oldest son's weekly baseball games. :) J got some awesome news at work, and that means we may be moving... Good thing I decided to get my degree online instead of a brick and mortar. I now have the freedom to go anywhere, follow my heart, without having to interrupt my education (again).

Life keeps constantly moving and I am loving each and every day. On a mushy note, I've found my happiness. I found a man who stands beside me, a man who brings out the best in me and nurtures my soul. We can lay next to each other and talk for hours about things like universal energy, quantum mechanics, book ideas, random acts of kindness and how we can make this world a better place. He dances with me... all the time and he makes me laugh. I am so grateful that, today, for however long it lasts (I'm counting on forever), he is in my life. I am thankful that he is an amazing father figure for my children and looks out for them, plays with them, the same as his own. I am surprised when he uses words like "we" "us" and "our" when discussing his future. Yes... Our future. Our plans. Our family. Our happiness.

Oh how sweet it is. :) 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I am Not a Vulcan (anymore)


I have always been an excellent communicator, I simply wouldn't communicate my emotions (when I allowed myself to feel them). Lately, after much hard work and constant encouragement from my partner, I am learning to allow myself to acknowledge and process my feelings. This process, admittedly... Sucks. Having to acknowledge the tramas of my past, having to admit my insecurities and actually say when I'm feeling hurt or angry instead of "stuffing" it away... Ahh! Emotional overload!

To The Point

My children are supposed to with their father through the summer, they have been gone a little over a month. Although we talk daily and Skype, it's not the same as holding them in my arms. Without them with me, I could easily slip into depression, and granted I've had two days where I did nothing but laze about my condo, lost and missing them.

It's a daily struggle to remind myself why I decided to have my ex take them for the summer months. I am constantly saying, "You need to focus on school, keep your appointments, get rid of the cancer, get to know yourself, go out and have a little adventure, work, buy a new car..." I have a laundry list of goals I wanted to accomplish and interests I wanted to pursue, lists of things that would be much more difficult to do with my children present. Happily, I've used my time wisely and the summer is nearly over... My babies are coming home soon!!!

Dealing with cancer sucks. Lack of dealing with cancer would be worse. I have a lot to live for, a lot to fight for and for the first time in my life, I have the love and support of a man I trust wholeheartedly. All of this mushy, "touchy feely" stuff is a little much at times, but I'm thankful for the growth, and to have someone love me enough to see me though all of this.

I'm better because you're in my life J.

Friday, July 12, 2013


I'm having a rough day. I have a gentle heart and I can't seem to let people's ignorant, hurtful comments and jabs just roll off my back. If we haven't even had a conversation, or met in person, what makes someone think they know enough about me to justify their less-than-kind behavior toward me?

Also, unless I'm doing something that negatively and directly affects someone else, why should they have ANY interest in the goings on of my life?! It's mind-boggling to me the number of people who say they "Know about my situation", they "Already know" this or that... Unless You hear it DIRECTLY from me, assume you know NOTHING.

You know what's even worse? Most of the negativity I have in my life is brought there by people who call themselves Christians. I am a Christ follower. Aren't we supposed to be sharing God's Love and be a candle to the world? I am not seeing people act like that too often! I see a bunch of gossipy, judgmental, rude, and spiteful people walking around trying to even some invisible scoreboard and I am getting frustrated!


Okay... Tell ya what. To the few people who have tried to bring be down, I'm no longer giving you space in my head. You don't deserve my time. To the two women who have insulted my looks... You both are as pretty on the outside as you are on the inside, so maybe you should take a good hard look in the mirror before calling me a "5".  It looks as though I may have to continue to have you in my life, so I pray you can stop wasting your time throwing digs in my direction and learn to focus and be happy with yourself... because you're obviously not and I feel sad for you.

To the rude and gossipy people who have entered my life, WATCH OUT, because I'm going to go out of my way to do something nice for you. Maybe it's been a while since someone has been kind to you. Maybe you need an example or a reminder of how we should treat each other. I'm going to be that example for ya.

Since this is MY blog and I can do with it as I please, I'm going to take away the ammo for future hateful rebuttals.

I am a Christian, and like EVERYONE, I am a sinner (see NIV Romans 3:23).
My Misgivings are as follows:
  • I have been cheated on and cheated back. 
  • I have unmartial sex (at least once a day). 
  • I have had more than one sex partner.
  • I entered a relationship with a man during the required 6 month separation period of my divorce.
  • I have lied approximately 50 times in my life (including calling in sick to work, and white lies about why I was late). 
  • I have said "God-Dammit" and "Jesus" when I haven't been praying. as well as a few other broken commandments 
  • I have hated someone.
  • I have wished death on someone... heck, a few people.
  • I have trouble forgiving certain things and certain people.
  • I have an affinity for inappropriate, nighttime behavior in church parking lots (If they are churches of another religion I won' burn in hell will I?)

I am constantly changing and becoming a better, cleaner soul. I prefer to learn from my mistakes, but not dwell on them. If I think I can help someone by sharing my past with them, I will. If someone wants to know me better and asks about my past, I will answer honestly. Other than that, I try to leave my past with my God, live for today and build for my future.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

*Le sigh*

Since my divorce is so fresh, I can't help but wonder if these painful insecurities are a normal part of the healing process, or are they are wounds that I'm subconsciously holding on to.

I feel that I've always been replaceable to XH. I feel as if he never truly loved me, as if for our entire 11+ years together, we were just friendly strangers who raised children in the same house. Why was I the one he didn't want to take out? why was I the one he wasn't satisfied sleeping with? What could I have done that would have made him overjoyed to be married to me for the rest of our lives? Why do I get so upset that he doesn't publicly praise and recognize the cool shit I do for him just the way I used to praise and recognize him? Why the heck do I still think about all this anyway?!

I have to say, I'm doing pretty fricking great moving forward, I'm happier on my own, forging new bonds with others and rediscovering myself. But every once in a while, I feel a twinge of resentment that I couldn't feel this way with him. XH, seems so happy too, free to do the things he wants to most days while I'm still raising our kids fulltime.

I am continuously looking ahead, assessing the progress of my goals and dreams. I keep telling myself that soon I won't think of such things, but I know that's just my faith and determination talking and I can't say for certain if or when I'll feel completely over the "what if" notions I feel towards my failed marriage.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

In honor of Phillip Elgie's friends... brothers. May we never forget your honor and sacrifice.

Marine LCpl. Donald J. Hogan - KIA 08/26/09 Posthumously awarded the Navy Cross
Marine LCpl. Justin J. Swanson - KIA 11/10/09
Marine LCpl. Ralph J. Fabbri - KIA 09/28/10

I remember it being a beautiful Southern California day when Phillip Called me from Afghanistan. I expected it to be a normal phone call, "How is everything, How are the kids, what's going on with the business..." Typical.. Only I heard strain and silence on the other end.

Finally, after a few minutes of my prying, Phillip quietly spoke, "Hogan Died... My friend... Hogan. He got blown up."

I felt my heart drop. I didn't know Hogan personally, but his name had come up in conversation a few times since Phillip had been over "there".

I felt sad for Phillip, for the loss of his friends life, and for a moment i imagined what it would feel like for his family when they had to get that news.. But a few hours later it was back to business as usual. Without a second thought to the sacrifice that was given.

Phillip came home from Afghanistan, and I expected things to be the same as they were when he left, pick up the arguments we had put on hold, take the kids to the beach, but during the days Phillip was quiet, lost in thought, and during the nights, there were terrors. It was then that I began to understand. War and death had come home with him.

It is humbling to see the man you love cry, and it is a different feeling altogether to open your heart to a man who you never met, who you will never have a chance to meet. That is why, every year on the anniversary of Hogan's death, and Memorial day, I remember, honor and silently thank ALL who laid down their lives for their countrymen, as well as pray for those they had to leave behind.

Friday, May 17, 2013

La-La-La-La Life Goes On!

Goodness Gracious! It's been WAY too long since I've have time to post. Really, I don't have the time now, but I figured I'd start writing and see how far I get.

I MOVED!!! I sorted and packed up a two story, four bedroom, two and a half bath home and moved into a tiny 2 bedroom upstairs apartment. *Whew* It's crowded, but I hear that love grows best in little houses (If you don't know the song I'm referencing, here's the link:

I happened to meet and become friends with some prominent members in our new town who just LOVE introducing me to everyone and are helping me adjust and settle into the area. My multimedia business took a hit as I chose to focus on family life and moving, so I picked up a part time job, working nights at a cantina to
help supplement the income until I can reestablish my business. I'm learning the ropes pretty quick 
Posing with some of my friends at my new job!
considering I had only ever been a hostess before, when I was 15, and now I'm working the kitchen and Bar! Everyone's pretty friendly and I love the shocked look on people's faces when I tell them I'm nearly 30. I honestly had no idea I looked young. I get 21 and 22 year olds guys asking me out and drinking all night just to flirt. It's great for my ego, especially after years of feeling old and worn down. I have a fresh smile on my face and I highly doubt it's going anywhere anytime soon. *Knock on wood*

My ex (XH from here on out) got his new duty station, teaching his MOS to others at the MOS school on the East Coast. He worked very hard to be able to do this and I am very proud of him! He'll be taking the kids for the summer. I'm weirded out, determined to work EXTRA hard in order to distract myself from thinking about not being with my babies everyday. I am also very excited for my son, "StigKidC". He is floored at the thought of living so close to Washington DC. He can't wait to see the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. My girls are very attached to me, so I genuinely hope they don't give their dad too much trouble... at the same time that I do. XH had the attitude that I should be able to run our business, be a full time mommy AND keep the house up. Hey, some women can, I am not one of those women, and I am very much hoping for an admission from XH that caring for children and working full time is a hard task indeed. However, I will not be holding my breath for an apology, nor do I require one.

My new business manager assisting on a shoot!

Oh, I finally got a business manager, which should help ease my work load. He'll be helping book, set up shoots, collect payments and since he's a photographer as well, I'll most likely be hiring him as a second shooter. He has already helped me on a few shoots and I couldn't be happier with his work and professionalism. It's wedding season so I am very blessed to have found him before all my wedding shoots.


                       Playing catch up on April and May

The day after I moved into my apartment, I was involved in a hit and run accident. A guy ran a red light , hit me and then sped off. It took three weeks to fix up my van, but she's back good as new. Poor Stella.
I dyed my hair red! *Gasp* I love this vivacious, flirty color!

The end of April rang in a very exciting milestone in my family. I am now the mother of a nine and two year old! My oldest, "StigKidC" and youngest, "StigKidA", share a birthday! 

My Washington Bestie and her hubby came to visit! It was great seeing some familiar faces!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Marlene Minopetros (@lee_mino) tweeted at 11:04 PM on Wed, Mar 27, 2013: There is something sexy about being a little possessive and letting the world know she is yours ( Get the official Twitter app at

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life of TheStigMom Part One:BabyStig

Just a little history for those who like reading about other people’s stories.

The history of my mom and dad is the typical American love story.. Ya know… Divorced mother of one (my mom) meets “SD” at a bar, they have sex, “SD” ends up having a family of his own and when my mom tells “SD” she is pregnant, “SD” told my mom to get lost or SHE would ruin his family.  Sigh Real winner, that one.

So with my Sperm Donor out of the picture, my mother set out to have me on her own. Now, my mom had been living with one of the worst cases of MS that the specialists in Washington State had ever documented. She was advised to abort me, Her mother pleaded with her, worried for her safety. My mother was told she wouldn’t survive the pregnancy, if she did survive, I wouldn’t, and if I did… there was only a slim chance I would be born healthy.

My mom chose life, I was born healthy, but she lost the use of her legs and the doctors told her she would never walk again. My single, disabled mother of two, didn’t believe them and with determination… she was eventually able to get out of her wheelchair. She did the very best she could. She was a very determined woman, but her struggles were just beginning. I don’t know what caused my mother to lose her mind, the disease, genetics, the medications, I really don’t expect answers.  The fact remains she did. 

Before I left the hospital, a few days old, my mother thought it’d be okay to feed me mashed potatoes. Even with family taking turns coming to help her care for us, she’d forget feedings, forget she even had children for hours at a time. I was hospitalized with a Failure to thrive (FTT). I don’t really remember anything, being that young, but do know that’s when my 8 year old sister, H, started caring for me. She was my little mommy.  I loved her more than I loved anything else.

My mother wasn’t a monster. I know that a woman has needs, and even with her illness (turned mental illness), my single mother needed to feel loved, she needed the attention of men. She’d bring men home and sometimes those men would find her two little daughters attractive too. Get where I’m going with this? This I remember clearly. My older sister always did her best to protect me from the harm these savage men would do. She’d sneak me into her room in a pile of blankets, she’d lock her doors… she was braver than any child should have to be. My sister was my protector, my hero. Some days our mother would lose her patience, her anger usually spewed unto my sister. I remember our mom telling H things like I was her favorite, how she was ugly... I remember my sister taking the blame for little insignificant things that I did (not even two years old I was probably a mess maker) and getting whipped with the cord of the vacuum, and I remember being left alone, a lot. My sister would hurry back from school each day to take care of me. Until one day she came home and I wasn’t there.

That day a woman came to the door. I was used to random people coming in and talking to my mother, we lived blocks away from a Jehovah’s witness church and really, my mother rarely turned anyone away who came to talk about Jesus. That day, however, the woman didn’t come to talk about God, She came to remove me from the home. My mother called me from the kitchen into the livingroom. I remember the look on her face. The lady offered me a stuffed animal but I was hesitant to go near her. My mother must have been lucid that day, She was calm, but her eyes were sad as she forced a smile and said it was alright to go. She hugged me tight and told me she loved me. The sky was clear, the air was warm and the calm and gentle movements of my caseworker’s car lulled me to sleep. It was a short car ride and the crunch of the gravel stirred me awake in time to watch the car pull in to the driveway of my new life.

My Friends… I love you.

I posted this on my Facebook today, but since I can't seem to link my Facebook and Twitter on this ******* site, I'll just transfer it here.

 My life is tough right now, I'm definitely dealing with a lot of stressors, but when I count my blessings I see that I'm quite a lucky girl. 

I have some amazing people in my life who build me up when I break down, who distract me when I need distraction, never judge me and who help pick me up and motivate me to go do what needs to be done. 

You are worth your weight in diamonds to me. I grew up with the ability to walk away from anyone I ever knew. I have two emotional settings, happy and numb... Over this last little bit of time, you guys have been able to make me feel more. For the first time in my life, I don't feel completely alone. I feel like I have a home. I feel like I belong, and for that, Thank you.

When I tell my life story, most think it sounds rough, but my life is actually a fairytale, granted, not a traditional one, but I have no doubts that my story will have a happy ending. My God has always provided for me, and when my faith is shaken, I have a few amazing friends hat constantly remind me of my blessings. I have much love for you.♥

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day (two weeks late)

Here is a photo of my lovely daughter, G. 

Momma's Fresh Fish Snack

Okay, as promised, this is my original recipe for a yummy and (mostly) healthy fish appetizer or snack.

What you'll need:
  • About 5 lbs of Salmon
  • 1cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1box of Triscuts 
  • about 3 cups mango salsa
  • 8oz Philadelphia cream cheese 
  • About half a block of thinly sliced Tillamock Pepper Jack cheese

I'm originally from (Waythefrickupthere) Northwest Washington, where fresh salmon is easy to find, but if you happen to live in a place where fresh salmon is difficult to find, I highly recommend just buying one from Costco. I usually find a $17-$20 fish will feed my family and have additional left over.

After you've cleaned your salmon and have laid it in a lightly oiled glass casserole dish, lightly salt the top side, sprinkle brown sugar and pour about a cup and a half of orange juice over it. Cover with tin foil and bake for about 45 minutes on 400 or until a light shade of pink, baste often to achieve maximum flavor and moisture.  Set to the side and let it cool.

Yea.. It IS as good as it looks (if you think it looks delicious).

 While the salmon is cooling, prep the rest of the snack by spreading the cream cheese on the cracker and placing them on a baking sheet, and slicing up your cheese. I recommend sipping on a frosty alcoholic beverage (unless you are underage, live in a dry county, are recovering or just prefer not to).

My "frosty beverage" of choice
Next, layer on the flaky, tender fish

Ladle on the mango salsa, top with cheese and stick back in the oven for about 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
